The Eye of the Storm by Wendy C. Collins is a ladies Bible study that examines the storm times of life and what God has to say about them. At the same time that Wendy was caring for her mother in her final days, the news came that her son-in-law had leukemia. The storm clouds had rolled in and the lightning was flashing all around. During the darkest days of this storm, her peace was shaken and her joy had seemed to vaporize.
Join Wendy as she takes you through her journey into the eye of the storm. She searched for and found help from God in the midst of her storm. You can too!
This book can be used in a Bible study setting or read on its own.
Chapters include:
- The Storms of Life
- Prelude to the Storm
- Trust in the Storm
- Courage in the Storm
- Peace in the Storm
- Joy in the Storm
- Safe in the Storm
- Comfort in the Storm
- The Passing of the Storm
- The Value of the Storm
Each chapter ends with suggestions for calming your storm and related verses to memorize.
Each ladies book is soft cover, perfect bound. It can be read alone or used as part of a group ladies Bible study.
Teacher's text sold separately.